Want better sex? Here's how.


How to get Better and Dirtier sex


Hi! I’m Jasmin. I am a woman, a lover, a mother, and a creative. A few years ago I did a somewhat out of character thing (for an introvert, anyway). I decided I wanted to chat to other women I didn’t know about sex.

So, I created an event called “BAD* sex” [it stands for *better and dirtier). It was marketed as a discussion group and the topic was “Monogamish”. I made it open to a small group of women and hosted at a wine bar around the corner from my house.

I went and sat at a table, staring nervously at a glass of wine and waited. I was convinced nobody was showing up. But three other women showed up that night and I will never forget it.

My idea around only inviting strangers was that anonymity would give us freedom of expression. And I was right.

We were four very different women in very different relationship setups but what was so amazing about it was the honesty. We didn’t know each other, there was no need to say something “right” in the presence of our lover or a friend. We were speaking the brutal honest truth about how we really felt. Did monogamy really work for us?

These events went on for years and helped hundreds of women. We discussed everything from communication to anal sex to BDSM. If you can think of it, we likely discussed it.

But there’s only so much you can do in person.

So, this paid newsletter was born. This newsletter (which is also a membership area on the website) is a space where you’ll find the freedom to explore, to comment, ask questions and have fun. Sex and intimacy are so many things and for those who pay, I lay it all bare. BAD* sex is a place to be real, in private.

Don’t feel like you can turn it on when your partner wants sex? Been there.

Not sure how to tell your partner you don’t actually like that thing they do with their tongue? Been there, too.

Your partner find themselves getting a little too close with somebody else? Oof. I’ve jumped that high hurdle.

Your kids found your vibrators charging? Happened just last week.

Told you don’t initiate sex often enough? I have tools to help you with that because I’ve been there too.

BAD* sex is a mix of musings, menus (fancy word for how-tos) and honest and unaffiliated reviews of my private collection of erotica. And yes, it’s paid because I need to get paid for all the work I do but if you sign up and you don’t enjoy what you see, you have a week to ask for a full refund.
